The Top

In these days of ever increasing screens, take a step back and ground yourself to reality. Hold in your hand an aesthetically pleasing, silky, warm to the touch, one of a kind smooth spinning top. Our tops are made of premium wood, one at a time. No two are alike. Each top is burned with a makers mark to assure its authenticity. The original fidget toy.

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The Dramatic Series

This series of six landscapes display the power and beauty of the environment in which we live. Each photo is printed on 24x36 stretched canvas. Photographs by Knos are printed a single time. Once a photo has been sold all published likenesses will be taken down. Be assured that you own a one off piece of artwork that will never be produced again in any form. Each print is signed, dated, and printed with capture information. The ultimate in exclusivity.

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The Micro Jug

These tiny containers burst with charm, from the glowing wood to the satisfying pop of the lid. Smooth to the touch and warm in the hand the aesthetically pleasing finish oozes quality. Every micro jug is unique. The lids are secure and perfect for pocket carry.

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The Tumbler

Congratulations on taking your whisky game to a new level. Each and every Knos, Tumbler and Glencairn, are handcrafted from white oak and given a level 2 char to bring out the flavors of your favorite bourbon, scotch or whisky.  You hold in your hand a one of a kind vessel that is truly worthy of your discernment  and taste.  Don’t settle for anything less.  Enjoy.

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